Govanhill LGBTQI+ Gardening Group
TX: 3:15pm
Members of the LGBTQI+ Gardening Group came together in a process of exploration using ideas from Body Mind Centring and Pauline Oliveros’ deep listening and adapted scores, to explore Pollok Park and their domestic and daily environments with new ears. They asked ‘How does deep listening with our environment shift our sense of ourselves as part of the ecosystem? and what can we learn by paying close attention to what we hear?’ They gathered sounds from these experiments and then improvised electronically with the sounds, letting the material lead the editing process. They noticed the hierarchy we might typically apply to recorded sounds and tried to find what they actually like and disliked sonically. The process encouraged permission to try new things and to let there be no wrong answers. The finished piece is the result of these explorations and experiments.

Govanhill LGBTQI+ Gardening Group is part of Govanhill Baths Community Trust’s Wellbeing Programme. Projects include veg growing sessions, a trans herb garden in development, and workshops on composting, botanical drawing, seed saving and queer ecology.